what is ice drug urban dictionary
Not only can methamphetamine easily result in a. These methods deliver the drug quickly to the brain. Urban Dictionary On The App Store The affects you feel off of a drug thats an upper such as cocainecrackecstacyadderral or meth. . It is more potent in its CNS stimulatory effect and by extension more likely to be. 1- Frozen water used to cool drinks or for medical healing during athletic competition 2- Expensive jewelry usually in the form of diamonds that is worn in either. Speed drug urban dictionaryovergrown cockatiel beak. Ice is the most potent form of methamphetamine. Speed crank crystal Desoxyn Substance abuse A sympathomimetic methylated derivative of amphetamine. Methamphetamine is an illegal stimulant drug known for wreaking absolute havoc in the lives of those who experiment with it. The party drug crystal meth also known in the gay. Its usually smoked in a glass pipe or injected into a vein. Cream is a slang t...